Content tagged with "form"

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The forms of the gerund

The gerund is an -ing form. It can be simple or perfect, active or passive:

The forms of the infinitive

An infinitive can be a to-infinitive or a bare infinitive (without to). There is no difference in meaning between them; some structures require a to-infinitive, while others call for a bare infinitive:

I ought to call them. (to-infinitive)
I had better call them. (bare infinitive)

The forms of the participle

  Active Passive
Present participle writing being written
Perfect participle having written having been written
Past participle written written

Types of modals

Modals include modal verbs, semi-modal verbs (also called marginal modals) and other modal expressions. They combine with main verbs and modify their meanings. A modal may have several different meanings, while similar meanings may be expressed by using different modals:
