These verbs can be followed by either (a) a gerund or (b) a noun phrase or pronoun + to-infinitive, with almost no difference in meaning. Passive infinitives are also common:

The help desk advised checking the "Advanced Settings" option.
The help desk advised me to check the "Advanced Settings" option. (I was advised to check the "Advanced Settings" option.)

The plumber recommended buying a new water heater.
The plumber recommended me to buy a new water heater. (I was recommended to buy a new water heater.)
(the to-infinitive after recommend is less common in everyday contexts)

In many countries, they don't allow smoking in public places. (In many countries smoking is not allowed in public places.)
In many countries, they don't allow people to smoke in public places. (In many countries people aren't allowed to smoke in public places.)

The rules do not permit keeping pets on the premises. (Keeping pets is not permitted on the premises.)
The rules do not permit tenants to keep pets on the premises. (Tenants are not permitted to keep pets on the premises.)

The authorities forbade entering the park because of a bush fire.
The authorities forbade everyone to enter the park because of a bush fire. (It was forbidden to enter the park because of a bush fire.)

The project required working closely with other schools.
The project required us to work closely with other schools. (We were required to work closely with other schools.)

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