The TO-infinitive after passive reporting verbs

If we want to avoid mentioning the generalised agents we, they, people, everybody, one etc. with reporting verbs, we can use a passive reporting verb and the to-infinitive form of the verb in the reported clause. Depending on the temporal relationship between the action of reporting and the reported event, we use different types of to-infinitive (simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous):

My son's football coach is said to be very strict. (They say my son's football coach is very strict.)
Vincent was reported to be staying in Paris at that time. (They reported Vincent was staying in Paris at that time.
He is believed never to have smiled at anyone. (They believe he never smiled / has never smiled at anyone.)
The organisers were thought to have been preparing for days. (Everybody thought the organisers had been preparing for days.)

This topic is discussed in detail under Passive voice and causative structures » Passive voice » Passive voice with reporting verbs.

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