Content tagged with "infinitive"

Displaying 11-20 of 37 result(s)

Introductory infinitive clauses

An infinitive clause placed at the beginning of a sentence can express a comment on the speaker's own words:

MAKE + object + bare infinitive

This structure means "force someone to do something they do not want to do":

The teacher made Jack rewrite the composition.
His mom made him clean his room again.

Make + object + bare infinitive can also mean "cause someone to do something":

Noun phrase + TO-infinitive

There are various structures with noun phrases and the to-infinitive:

Noun phrase + TO-infinitive

Some nouns can be followed by a to-infinitive. Many of these nouns have been formed from adjectives or verbs normally followed by a to-infinitive:

Passive voice with reporting verbs

If we want to avoid mentioning the generalised agents we, they, people, everybody, one etc. with reporting verbs, we can use the following passive patterns:

Question word + TO-infinitive

A question word can be used before a to-infinitive to express an indirect question about what should be done:

Reporting a simultaneous event in the passive voice

subject + passive reporting verb + to-infinitive (simple or continuous)

If the reporting and the reported event happen simultaneously, i.e. in the same time frame, we use simple or continuous infinitives, depending on whether the verb in the reported clause was simple or continuous.

If the time frame is the present:

Reporting an earlier event in the passive voice

subject + passive reporting verb + to-infinitive (perfect or perfect continuous)

If the reported event happens before the reporting, we use perfect or perfect continuous infinitives, depending on whether the verb in the reported clause was simple or continuous.

If the reporting happens in the present and the reported event in the past:

SEE, WATCH, HEAR, LISTEN, FEEL, SMELL, NOTICE, OBSERVE + object + bare infinitive

After verbs of perception (see, watch, hear, listen, feel, smell, notice, observe etc.), the infinitive expresses a completed action:
