Reporting verb + object + TO-infinitive

verb + object + to-infinitive

Reporting verbs used with an object and the to-infinitive

Customs officer: Please empty your pockets, madam.
The officer asked the woman to empty her pockets.

Carlos: I think you should visit a specialist.
Carlos advised me to visit a specialist.

Professor: You mustn't use a dictionary while writing the test.
The professor did not allow us to use a dictionary while writing the test.

Chris: Please tell me what really happened.
Chris begged her to tell him what had happened.

Sergeant: Fire!
The sergeant commanded the firing squad to shoot.

Uncle Joe: Have you ever thought of starting scuba diving? I guess you'd love it.
My uncle Joe encouraged me to take up scuba diving.

Mother to Luke: You must not talk to Ellie again.
Luke's mother forbade him to talk to Ellie again.

Doctor to patient: You must exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
The doctor instructed the patient to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

I: Why don't you come in for a coffee?
I invited him to come inside and have a cup of coffee.

Police to photographers at an accident scene: No pictures!
The police ordered the photographers not to take any pictures of the accident scene.

School regulation: Teachers are not to use corporal punishment in the classroom.
The rules don't permit teachers to beat students at this school.

Matt: Be a vegetarian; it's better for your health.
Victoria: But I like bacon!
Matt: You don't know what those pigs have been eating.
Victoria: Yuck! You're right. I've never thought about it that way. I won't eat meat any more.
Matt persuaded Victoria to become a vegetarian.

Health specialist: I think it would be better if people consumed much less fat and sugar.
The health specialist would prefer people not to consume so much fat and sugar.

Thesis consultant to student: You should read the Thesis Guide before you start your research.
The thesis consultant recommended the student to read the Thesis Guide before starting the research.
(the to-infinitive after recommend is less common in everyday contexts)

David: Don't forget to buy some milk.
David reminded me to buy some milk.

Sign: Do not take photographs, please
Visitors are requested not to take photographs.

Teacher to pupils: Open your books to page 10.
The teacher told the pupils to open their books to page 10.

Mother to child: Don't tease that dog! It will bite you!
The mother warned her child not to tease the dog.

Green activists: The nuclear plant must be shut down immediately.
Green activists urged the government to shut down the nuclear plant.

Boss to secretary: Will you rewrite this letter, please? There are far too many mistakes in it.
The boss wanted her secretary to rewrite the letter.

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