The definite article with ordinal numbers, superlative adjectives, ONLY, NEXT, LAST, SAME, RIGHT and WRONG

The definite article is used before ordinal numbers and superlative adjectives:

This is the first time I've ridden a horse.
The 20th century has seen the bloodiest wars in the history of humankind.
Jill is the most intelligent girl in the class.

Most has meanings which do not take the definite article the:

That was most kind of you. (very kind)
Most people who lose weight regain it in a very short time. (the majority of people)

The definite article is also used before only, next, last, same, right and wrong + noun:

You are the only person I can tell.
When is the next train to Cambridge?
They have the same surname, but they are not relatives.
What is the right answer?

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