TO-infinitive or gerund: FORGET, REMEMBER, REGRET, GO ON, STOP, TRY

After these verbs, a to-infinitive refers to the future, while a gerund expresses an earlier action, relative to the time of the verb in the main clause:

Don't forget to meet Mr Moriarty at 10 o'clock this morning. (You should meet Mr Moriarty at 10 o'clock this morning.)
I'll never forget meeting her for the first time. (I'll never forget when I met her for the first time.)

Did you remember to buy tea? (Did you remember that you should buy tea?)
I don't remember ever visiting this museum. (I don't remember that I have ever visited this museum.)

We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. (We are sorry we have to inform you that your application has been rejected.)
I regret spending so much money last night. (I am sorry that I spent so much money last night.)

Whichever page you're on, go on to read the next chapter. (Continue with the next chapter.)
Go on reading the article. (Continue reading the article.)

We stopped to drink a cup of coffee. (We stopped in order to drink a cup of coffee.)
I stopped smoking years ago. (I gave up smoking years ago.)

I tried to reach her at work, but the line was busy. (I made an attempt to reach her at work.)
Why didn't you try calling her on her mobile? (Why didn't you call her on her mobile to see if you could reach her?)

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